Portrait of Louis Philippe d'Orléans, future Duke of Orléans (1747-1793) eremonial robes of the Order of the Holy Spirit

1260 x 1924 Pixel (276002 Bytes)
Public domain
  • Source of the image uploaded to Commons on 2006-09-01:
    The source of this photographic reproduction was not specified by the original uploader to en.wikipedia. However, the structure of the original filename and the looks of the image make it almost certain that it is a copy of the image at culture.gouv.fr (image). The copyright of that photographic reproduction reads: "© Direction des Musées de France, 1986" (see Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs for countries where such copyright may apply). Transfer history of this image: The file was uploaded to en.wikipedia as Image:M502004 87ee610 p.jpg on 2005-03-09 by User:Alberia torkenkluvin. It was copied from en.wikipedia to fr.wikipedia as Image:Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans.jpg on 2005-12-30. It was copied from fr.wikipedia to Commons as File:Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans.jpg on 2006-09-01. It was overwritten with a different image on 2012-03-17 (see below).
  • Source of the image uploaded to Commons on 2012-03-17:
    The source of this other photographic reproduction was not specified by the uploader to Commons. It seems possible that it may be copied directly or indirectly from the photograph at photo.rmn.fr (whose copyright reads "Photo (C) Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Jean-Marc Manaï").
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