Western Europe

ISS Expedition 29 crew
840 x 560 Pixel (9522436 Bytes)
This video was taken by the crew of Expedition 29 on board the International Space Station. The sequence of shots was taken October 15, 2011 from 00:47:28 to 01:02:56 GMT, on a pass beginning over the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the Island of Newfoundland to the northern part of the Red Sea, over the Gulf of Suez and the Sinai Peninsula. At the beginning of the video, the Aurora Borealis can be seen in the far left along with clouds over the North Atlantic Ocean. Tracking south-east, the first view of lights is from the United Kingdom (Ireland, up-track from the UK, is under cloud), with cities like Liverpool and London showing up nicely. Across the English Channel, the cities of Brussels and Rotterdam (left) and Paris (brightly-lit city west of Brussels) all stand out through a network of smaller cities in Western Europe. The pass continues over the snow-covered Alps and to the Italian Peninsula, where lightning storms cover the southern half of the peninsula. The ISS then tracks over the Mediterranean Sea, with Greece to the left of track, northern Africa right of track, and the island of Crete. Finally, the pass finishes near the Nile River Delta and the Red Sea.
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