Soyuz MS-16 departs from the Space Station

NASA Television
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* The Soyuz spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Expedition 63 crewmates Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, leaves the International Space Station at 7:32 p.m. EDT Oct. 21, 2020, to return to Earth after the crew’s 196-day mission.
  • The Soyuz MS-16 crew ship, with Expedition 63 crewmates Chris Cassidy of NASA and Roscosmos cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, departs the International Space Station moments after undocking from the Rassvet module. The trio would parachute to Earth inside the Soyuz' descent module just a few hours later.
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