Siphonotus africanus

Cook, Orator Fuller
766 x 1063 Pixel (1443810 Bytes)
Siphonotus africanus (Diplopoda, Polyzoniida: Polyzoniidae), from Sierra Leone, Africa. Color of living animals pinkish, pale to dull reddish pink. Length of mature individuals of to 15 mm, width .75 mm. Segments of adults 39-55.

Explanation of Plate
Fig. 1. Head and first nine segments, ventral view, to show arrangement of legs.

Fig. 2. Head and first three segments, ventral view, the legs removed to show pedigerous laminae, spiracles, etc.

Fig. 3. Head and five segments, dorsal view.

Fig. 4. Segments 4-6, lateral view, to show the peculiarly enlarged pore of the fifth segment.

Fig. 5. Three normal segments, dorsal view, less magnified than fig. 3.

Fig. 6. Diagrammatic cross-section, showing relative positions of the parts of the exo-skeleton.

Fig. 7. Last five segments, dorsal view.

Fig. 8. Same, ventral view.

Fig. 9. Antenna, much magnified, ventral view.

Fig. 10. Second leg of male.

Fig. 11. Eleventh leg of male.

Fig. 12. Last leg of male.

Fig. 13. Male copulatory legs, dorsal view.

Fig. 14. Same, ventral view.

Fig. 15. Segments seven and eight of young male.
Public domain
Cook, Orator Fuller (1896): A new Character in the Colobognatha with drawings of Siphonotus. - American Naturalist, 30: 839-844.
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