Siege of Constantinople BnF MS Fr 9087

Jean Le Tavernier : Miniature "The siege of Constantinople in 1453" - made in Lille in 1455, in manuscript : "Advis directif pour faire le passage d'oultre-mer", translator: Jean Miélot.
1297 x 1851 Pixel (2591250 Bytes)
Siege of Constantinople from Bibliothèque nationale manuscript Français 9087 (folio 207 v). The Turkish army of Mehmet II attacks Constantinople in 1453. Some soldiers are pointing canons to the city and others are pulling boats to the Golden Horn. The city looks like quite gothic.
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This image is a reproduction of a bidimensional map, now in the public domain. For this reason, it is in the public domain in the United States of America.

In France, it is possible (but not certain) that this photographic reproduction is copyrighted by the administration who performed it, i.e. the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF). However, BNF gave us the authorization to use any image from their database on our sites and CD/DVDs.

We thank BNF for its kind collaboration. This image may be consulted on the Mandragore database under the classification mark Français 9087 folio 207 verso.

See also Category:Mandragore images.
Public domain
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