Proboscidea parviflora - double claw. chopped fresh green pod with onions 07

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Proboscidea parviflora - A very important traditional indigenous edible and useful plant of the southwest United States. When green the distinctive curve of this fruit earned the name 'unicorn' plant, but when dry the fruits split along the spine to form a double hook, known as the 'double claw' or 'devil's claws' that easily catch on anything brushing past to disperse the seeds. (Not to be confused with the African 'devil's claw' of a completely different species and different use.) Proboscidea parviflora, 'double claw' fruits when picked young and tender green can be cooked like okra or pickled. Older, larger fruits are allowed to dry. The dried seeds are edible and highly nutritious, and can be eaten dry, crushed for oil or ground into flour. The long, dried curved seed pods have for centuries been collected for their strong fibers used in south-western U.S. traditional Native basketry. Cuisine: here shown sliced fresh tender double claw pods with fresh chopped onions ready to be sautéed. Can be substituted for okra in many well-known okra recipes.
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