Platform of the Lower House of this Present Parliament (of England) Assembled at Westminster 1640

AnonymUnknown author
7519 x 4137 Pixel (13846547 Bytes)

Museum number



Object: Object: Platform of the Lower House of this Present Parliament, Assembled at Westm[inster, the] thirteenth day of April, 1640. and in the 17 Yeere of his Majesties happie Raigne

Interior of the House of Commons in the 17th year of the reign of James I: the Speaker and Lord Chancellor Edward Littleton presiding, with two scribes at desks in front of him, the benches crowded with nobles and others and a man carrying the mace in the right foreground, walking passed the bench at the near end; plans of the places represented in two strips to either side with a map of Britain in the lower left; two columns of letterpress to either side listing the members under the title 'A Cataloque of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, Bishops, Barons, that sit in this Parliament'. (n.p.). c. April 1640

Engraving, etching and letterpress

Producer name
Print made by: Anonymous
Production date
1640 (circa)
etching engraving
Height: Height: 425 millimetres (central image) (central image) Height: Height: 425 millimetres (printed area: lower edge trimmed) (printed area: lower edge trimmed) Width: Width: 332 millimetres (central image) (central image) Width: Width: 760 millimetres (printed area) (printed area)
Inscription type: inscription Inscription content: The title strip is in two pieces, attached to the mounting sheet above the image.
Bibliographic references
Hind 1922 / Wenceslaus Hollar and his views of London and Windsor in the seventeenth century (III.362.75)
Not on display
Associated names
Representation of: Edward Littleton
Associated places
Topographic representation of: London Europe: British Isles: England: London (England)
Acquisition name
Purchased from: C M Dozy Purchased through: Frederik Muller & Co (sale Amsterdam Purchased through: Alphonse Wyatt Thibaudeau
Acquisition date
Prints and Drawings
Registration number
Treatment; 29 Aug 2012; Lift from the secondary support. Lift printed inscription also . Surface clean where necessary. Wash (depending on the inscription ink potencial solubility). It texts seperate- okay- but if not leave together. Repair. Hinge onto support (attach seperate printed text also).; Western Art on Paper; Mounting
Treatment Reason
Treatment Description
Removed loose surface dirt with a Japanese brush. Mechanically cleaned the secondary support with a chemsponge/smoke sponge (vulcanized rubber molecular trap, containing a minuscule percentage of mild soap i.e. <30grm per 500kg). Cleaned the recto of the primary support with a sliver of Staedtler Mars Plastic eraser avoiding the printed areas. Cleaned the verso (once lifted) with Staedtler Mars Plastic eraser crumbs and a cotton wool pad. Cut the guard tissue with a scalpel to lift from the secondary support. The separate printed text was lifted by delaminating the secondary support and reducing the layers mechanically. A poultice of Culminal (nonionic cellulose ether) was used to remove the remaining debris and adhesive. Tape was removed using a hot air gun applied to the carrier and removed with tweezers. The remaining tacky adhesive was removed using a crepe eraser and the dried adhesive was removed using a scalpel. A poultice of Culminal (nonionic cellulose ether) was applied to the guard tissue and the carrier removed using tweezers. The remaining debris and adhesive was removed with a further poultice and a Teflon spatula, a damp cotton wool swab followed by a dry one. Tengujo 12gsm Japanese repair tissue and wheat starch paste- gluten free was used to repair the tears, with the aid of local humidification to realign. Losses were filled using wheat starch paste - gluten free and Japanese paper toned using Winsor and Newton artist's watercolours (organic,inorganic pigments,gum arabic). Humidified over capillary matting and Gore-Tex in a chamber and pressed.

Object (in three parts) attached to sheet of WS Vellum with Japanese paper hinges and Culminal adhesive (non-ionic cellulose ether).

Public domain
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