
600 x 480 Pixel (12682 Bytes)
Graph of w:Penny Arcade Expo attendance, based on numbers as reported in that article.

Creation and Updates

This graph was created with w:gnuplot. The files used to create it are below. If there is new, cited data at w:Penny Arcade Expo, feel free to alert me and I'll be happy to update this graph.

The file "cmd" contained the following:

set terminal svg fname "Arial" fsize 14
set ylabel "Attendance"
set xlabel "Year"
set datafile missing 'NA'
unset key
set grid back lw 1
set border 3
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x "%Y"
set label "Prime" at "2008-02-01",63000
set label "East" at "2010-01-01",48000
plot \
	"pax.csv" using 1:2 with lines lw 2 \
	,"pax.csv" using 3:4 with lines lw 2

The file pax.csv contained:

# Dates are the start date.
# Dates and attendance are as reported in the
# English Wikipedia article "Penny Arcade Expo".
#   PRIME                   EAST
# Date      Attend      Date      Attend
2004-08-28    3300            NA      NA
2005-08-26    9000            NA      NA
2006-08-25   19323            NA      NA
2007-08-24   39000            NA      NA
2008-08-29   58500            NA      NA
2009-09-04   60750            NA      NA
2010-09-03   67600    2010-03-26   52290
2011-08-26   270000    2011-03-11   69500
        NA      NA    2012-04-06      NA

The output was created with the command:

gnuplot < cmd > out.svg
Public domain
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PAX (Messe)

Die PAX ist eine Reihe von Conventions für Video- und Computerspieler in den USA und Australien. Sie wurde von Jerry Holkins und Mike Krahulik, den Autoren des Webcomics Penny Arcade, gegründet. .. weiterlesen