Pansy egg surprise

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Depiction of the "surprise" from within the Pansy Fabergé Egg. It is a panel with eleven enameled ovals that, when a button is pressed, all lift simultaneously to reveal portraits of the family of the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

Reading vertically, those in the first column are:

   Grand Duke George, the Tsar's younger brother and at this time heir apparent to the Imperial throne
   Grand Duke Alexander, the Tsar's brother-in-law via his sister, Grand Duchess Xenia

In the second column are

   the Tsar himself
   Grand Duchess Irina, subsequently Princess Youssoupoff, the Tsar's only niece, daughter of Grand Duke Alexander and Grand Duchess Xenia

In the third column are:

   Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna, the first child of the Tsar and Tsarina
   Grand Duchess Tatiana, their second child
   Grand Duke Michael, youngest brother of the Tsar

In the fourth column are

   The Tsarina, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna
   Grand Duke Andrew, the Tsar's nephew, brother of Grand Duchess Irina

In the fifth column are:

   Grand Duchesses Olga Alexandrovna, sister of the Tsar
   Grand Duchess Xenia, the other sister of the Tsar.

Each person's mongram is located on his/ her corresponding oval in Cyrillic letters.

The panel is surrounded by diamonds and is surmounted by a Romanov crown, also in diamonds.
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Credit line example: "Pansy egg surprise.svg from Wikimedia Commons von K. D. Schroeder, CC-BY-SA 4.0"
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