Mapa da Região Compreendida Entre as Cabeceiras do Rio Itararé e o Oceano Atlântico, Acervo do Museu Paulista da USP

José Rosael/HélioNobre/Museu Paulista da USP
4598 x 4550 Pixel (13877737 Bytes)
Obra que integra o acervo do Museu Paulista da USP. Coleção João Baptista de Campos Aguirra
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
This media is a faithful reproduction of two-dimensional public domain work of art and it was the result of a GLAM partnership between the Museu Paulista, NeuroMat and the Wikimedia Users Group in Brazil. The Museu Paulista of the University of São Paulo (also known as "Museu do Ipiranga") is a Brazilian history museum located in the Southeast region of the city of São Paulo and it contains a huge collection of furniture, documents and historically relevant artwork, especially relating to the Brazilian Empire era.

Attribution in English: Public domain / Museu Paulista (USP) Collection
Attribution in Portuguese: Domínio público / Acervo Museu Paulista (USP)
Public domain
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