Map of human fossils with an age of at least ~40,000 years that yielded genome-wide data and location of the Zlatý kůň fossil

Authors of the study: Kay Prüfer, Cosimo Posth, He Yu, Alexander Stoessel, Maria A. Spyrou, Thibaut Deviese, Marco Mattonai, Erika Ribechini, Thomas Higham, Petr Velemínský, Jaroslav Brůžek & Johannes Krause
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"a', Locations of the Koněprusy cave, where the Zlatý kůň human remains were found, and of other fossils with an age of at least ~40,000 years that yielded genome-wide data (Ust’-Ishim, Oase 1 and Tianyuan) or mtDNA (Fumane 2 and Bacho Kiro). b, Micro-computed tomography-based virtual reconstruction of the Zlatý kůň skull in frontal and lateral view. The map in a was created with QGIS47 using Natural Earth48 vector data.

A genome sequence from a modern human skull over 45,000 years old from Zlatý kůň in Czechia

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aDNA bezeichnet alte DNA. Ein typischer Fall sind Reste von Erbgutmolekülen aus toten Organismen. .. weiterlesen