Japan Factory Ship Nisshin Maru Whaling Mother and Calf

(c) Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, CC BY-SA 3.0 au

Customs and Border Protection Service, Commonwealth of Australia
3072 x 2304 Pixel (4278635 Bytes)
An adult and sub-adult Fin whale (as determined by the change in baleen colour on the right side of the animals and lack of white 'mittens' on the pectoral fins) are dragged aboard the Nisshin Maru, a Japanese whaling vessel that is the world's only factory whaling ship. The wound that is visible on the calf's side was reportedly caused by an explosive-packed harpoon.
This image was taken by Australian customs agents in 2008, under a surveillance effort to collect evidence of indiscriminate harvesting, which is contrary to Japan's claim that they are collecting the whales for the purpose of scientific research. In 2010, Australia filed a lawsuit in the International Court of Justice hoping to halt Japanese whaling; this photograph will undoubtedly play a key role in that pending case.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:

NOTE: This file was originally uploaded to en.Wikipedia and assigned a "fair use" license. I, Grolltech, corrected the license to CC-BY-SA-3.0 for the following reasons:

  • In late 2008, Australia changed copyright licensing as follows:

"The Commonwealth Copyright Administration (CCA) within the Attorney-General’s Department has been disbanded and no longer provides copyright licences allowing members of the public to re-use Commonwealth Government copyright material. In line with a recommendation of the Government 2.0 Taskforce Report, Commonwealth Government agencies are now required to release copyright public sector information under Creative Commons BY-licences or other open content licences, wherever possible."

—Home page, Australia's Commonwealth Copyright Administration

  • Additionally, the Agency has already given explicit permission to use this file:

"These images are provided for external use but please credit Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. Regards."

—David O'Sullivan, Online Communication Manager, Communication and Media, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service

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