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A graphical description of changes in temperature in Greenland from 500 – 1990 A.D. based on analysis of the deep ice core from Greenland and some historical events. The annual temperature changes are shown vertical in ˚C. The numbers are to be read horizontal:

1. From 700 to 750 A.D. people belonging to the Late Dorset Culture move into the area around Smith Sound, Ellesmere Island and Greenland north of Thule.

2. Norse settlement of Iceland starts in the second half of the 9th century.

3. Norse settlement of Greenland starts just before the year 1000.

4. Thule inuits move into northern Greenland in the 12th century.

5. Late Dorset culture disappears from Greenland in the second half of the 13th century.

6. The Western Settlement disappears in mid 14th century.

7. In 1408 is the Marriage in Hvalsey, the last known written document on the Norse in Greenland.

8. The Eastern Settlement disappears in mid 15th century.

9. John Cabot is the first European in the post-Norse era to visit Labrador - Newfoundland in 1497.

10. “Little Ice Age” from ca 1600 to mid 18th century.

11. The Danish-Norwegian priest, Hans Egede, arrives in Greenland in 1721.
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Own work

Frozen Annals - Greenland Ice Sheet Research, W.Dansgaard , The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen 2004. ISBN: 87-990078-0-0

Hvad isotoperne fortæller om de forsvundne vikinger på Grønland. By Jan Heinemeier and Niels Rud. Kvant - tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi 12. årg., April 2001 nr. 1.

Ogilvie, Astrid E. and Thomas H. McGovern 2000 Sagas and Science. Climatic and Human Impacts in the North Atlantic. Pp 285-393 in: Fitzhugh, William W. and Elisabeth I. Ward (ed.s): Vikings. The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian and National Mueum of Natural History. Washington & London (9 pages) ISBN-10: 1560989955, ISBN-13: 978-1560989950

Nordboernes livsgrundlag i Sydvest Grønland, by Naja Mikkelsen and Antoon Kuijpers, SPECIALARTIKEL fra GEUS' Årsberetning for 2000, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) [1]
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