Dih mechanical firestop bc superferries

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BC Superferries, 09. September 1992: Pipe penetration firestop in a fire-resistance rated steel bulkhead (bulkheads are walls onboard a ship or offshore platform). The bulkheads must be treated with fireproofing, which could be intumescents, thermal insulation, such as rockwool or ceramic fibre. The "transits" are the openings, which are welded frames. In this case, a small pipe stub or nipple is attached to the top of the transit on both sides. Then the opening is dammed on both sides so that an approved firestop material can be poured in through one nipple, with the air escaping from the other nipple. The slickest solution to the issue of damming up the sides of the opening is the patented use of compressed sponges, that are slid between the penetrants. Then the sponges are sprayed with a liquid, thus expanding them and making a watertight seal. Since only one company has this patent, other vendors make do with assorted jury-rigs, such as this crummy-looking putty that is shown here. The seal looks awful on the outside but the "active ingredient" is concealed from view anyway. Inside is what is known in the trade as "Kaltvergussmasse", which is German for "cold casting compound". Even that is not an entirely correct translation, since the slurry that goes into the transit is "mixture", not a clean chemical compound that is all wholly bonded, as it would be known in chemistry.
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