Cynodon dactylon Dubbo plant1 (8673976131)

Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia
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Native, warm-season perennial, mat-forming grass to 30 cm tall and with extensive stolons and rhizomes. Leaves are green, hairless to sparsely hairy and relatively short. Ligules are short hairs on a membranous rim with longer hairs at each end. Flowerheads are digitate, consisting of 3-7 thin, usually dark-coloured branches (2-6 cm long). Tolerant of flooding; it is often abundant around backswamps, riverbanks and regularly inundated soils. Readily colonises where pastures have been lost and often found in old cropping paddocks and horse paddocks.

Extremely tolerant of acidity, salinity, low fertility, sandy, compacted and very shallow soils. A useful soil binding species, especially in difficult situations (e.g. low fertility, frequently flooded, saline or acidic soils, etc). Can be an indicator of compaction, salinity, sandy soils and /or high water table. A weed of ploughed paddocks, where it is difficult to eradicate. Not very productive and has low palatability for livestock. Stock will avoid it when stemmy. Rarely causes cyanide poisoning; this mostly occurs following drought breaking rains. Tolerant of heavy set stocking and provides useful ground cover in horse pastures.
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