Cpc-ncep-noaa CDAS 10-hPa Temp Anoms anim 06DEC2013-05JAN2014

NOAA / National Weather Service / National Centers for Environmental Prediction / Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
523 x 305 Pixel (2172745 Bytes)
Pressure/Temperature Anomaly global map CDAS 10-hPa Temp Anoms anim (11 d rm) 6 dec 2013 to 5 Jan 2014:

30-day loop of analyzed 10-hPa temperatures and anomalies. Each frame is an eleven-day mean, centered on the date indicated in the title, of 10-hPa temperature and anomalies from the NCEP Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS). Contour interval for temperatures is 4°C, anomalies are indicated by shading. Anomalies are departures from the 1979-95 daily base period means. (Text after NOAA, Northern Hemisphere 10 hecto Pascals Temperature Anomalies Animation)

Illustrates 2014 "Polar vortex (Hercules)" cold wave.
Public domain
NOAA NCEP CPC > Monitoring and Data > Oceanic & Atmospheric Data > Monitoring Intraseasonal Oscillations > Northern Hemisphere 10 hecto Pascals Temperature Anomalies Animation http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/intraseasonal/temp10anim.gif
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(c) Stephen Craven, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Noel Jenkins, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Mike Smith, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Bob Embleton, CC BY-SA 2.0

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