CSIRO ScienceImage 11135 Dr Valerie Sage working at SynCat CSIROs Synfuel and Catalysis Research Facility

(c) CSIRO, CC BY 3.0

Darryl Peroni, CSIRO
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Dr Sage is working as a Research Scientist in the Gas Processing and Conversion group. Her research focus is on Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) technologies and she currently leads the Modified Fischer-Tropsch Process for Synfuels project, within the Energy Transformed National Research Flagship. Natural gas can be cooled to form Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or chemically converted to transport fuels such as gasoline and diesel, and chemicals. Processes that convert natural gas to liquid fuels are known as Gas-to-Liquids or GTL processes. CSIRO's Gas Processing and Conversion research program is developing technologies to more cost effectively develop cleaner fuels and chemical processes using Australia's abundant natural gas resources. These GTL technologies provide the nation's energy sector with the opportunity to fully utilise Australia's hydrocarbon resources, enhancing our sustainability and security in energy whilst helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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