Buchs SG - Station SBB (51116031396)

Kecko from Eastern Switzerland
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Three trains at Buchs train station that leave almost simultaneously. To the left, the SBB IR 13 to Sargans-Chur, departure 16:15. In the middle the SOB S4 to St. Gallen departure 16:15. On the right, the ÖBB Railjet to Sargans-Zurich, departure 16:12. The IR 13 and the Railjet can get in each other's way because they have to run one behind the other up to the switch in <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kecko/48825687796/">Neugrüt</a>. A few seconds before 16:15 the Railjet is still here, and if it is ready now, the IR 13 has to wait two more minutes. The three-minute difference in the scheduled departure is theoretical and in practice there are frequently delays. If the IR 13 can run before the Railjet, the Railjet gets in the way of the IR 13 again at the exit to Chur, because coming from the loop it has to cross the track of the IR 13. The green strip emerged, when a track was removed in 2005. Before that, Buchs had five tracks for passenger traffic. It's something like a green border, because on the platform to the right (3/4) there run only trains to and from Austria. There are also <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kecko/49020549691/">customs facilities</a> there. Switzerland, April 14, 2021.
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