Blonde woman with tattoos texting on street

Ed Yourdon from New York City, USA
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This was taken at the corner of Market and New Montgomery Street, as I was walking back to the Palace Hotel for the next session of the Web 2.0 conference I was attending. The sun was behind me, and I thought it provided some nice lighting for the blonde woman approaching me on the other side of the intersection. It wasn't until I uploaded the image onto my computer that I noticed her tattoos...

Note: this photo was published in a Jul 18, 2010 blog titled "Lessons from unmaking urban mistakes." And slightly more than a year later, it was published in a Jul 19, 2011 blog titled "Philadelphia cracks down on texting and walking."

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in an Apr 18, 2012 blog titled "Prompt #306 Texting and Walking." It was also published in an Aug 1, 2012 German enGadget blog titled "USA: Gadget-indizierte Verkehrsunfälle in sieben Jahren vervierfacht."
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