Three Friends and a Hundred Birds

1808 x 3558 Pixel (1551362 Bytes)

The painting depicts the "Three Friends of Winter"—represented by pine, bamboo, and plum blossom—and 97 birds of various species.

Several but not all of the birds have been identified. Those identified include the Spotted-necked Dove (A, 1), Japanese Waxwing (A, 1), Yellow-billed Grosbeak (B, 1), Eurasian Blackbird (A, 1), Japanese White-eye (A, 4), Scarlet Minivet (C, 2), Black-throated Laughingthrush (A, 2), Azure-winged Magpie (A, 2), Japanese Waxwing (A, 1), Fork-tailed Sunbird (D, 1), White-throated Rock Thrush (A, 3), Scaly-breasted Munia (A, 4), Red Turtle Dove (A, 1), Vinous-throated Parrotbill (A, 2), Crested Myna (A, 3), White Wagtail (A, 1), Slaty-blue Flycatcher (D, 2), Eurasian Tree Sparrow (A, 28), White-whiskered Laughingthrush (D, 1), Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush (A, 1), Orange-bellied Leafbird (A, 1), Great Tit (A, 3), Oriental Magpie Robin (A, 2), Red-billed Leiothrix (A, 3), Chinese Hwamei (A, 1), Siberian Blue Robin (C, 1), Arctic Warbler (A, 1), Chestnut-cheeked Starling (D, 1), Barred Buttonquail (D, 1), Light-vented Bulbul (A, 1), Japanese Bush Warbler (D, 3), Common Redpoll (A, 1), Oriental Skylark (A, 1), Masked Laughingthrush (A, 1), Greater Short-toed Lark (C, 1), and Daurian Redstart (A, 2).

(A) Corresponding to a known bird species
(B) Somewhat generalized, but still an identifiable bird species
(C) Identifiable, but problematic and not with complete certainty
(D) Only roughly identifiable, bird species cannot be confirmed

See the reference for more information.
Public domain
For the 13 February 2008 upload, the source is Pien Wen-chin: Three Friends and a Hundred Birds. Nigensha.
For the 1 April 2010 and 25 September 2019 upload, no source was provided by the uploader.
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