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The Tavola Bronzea di Polcevera (Bronze Tablet of the Polcevera valley) is an important document that provides an account of interesting developments regarding the city in the latter half of the 2nd century B.C. At that time, Genoa was federated to Rome and the population of the Veturi Langensi, settled in the area of the Polcevera valley, came under its jurisdiction. While the Genuati tended to favour forestry activitiess, the Langensi were more interested in harvesting field crops. This resulted in constant conflicts regarding the boundaries of the areas controlled by the two populations, causing such unrest that it became necessary to appeal to the supreme court of Rome.: Iin 117 B.C., the Roman Senate sent two magistrates to the Polcevera valley, Quinto and Marco Minucio Rufo, along with their specialists and representatives of the Genuati and the Langensi. Once the dispute had been resolved, orders were given to define the official boundaries. The sentence delivered by the magistrates was engraved on two bronze tablets that were handed over to both parties ( CIL 05, 07749 = CIL 01, 00584 (p 739, 910) = ILLRP 00517 = D 05946 (p 186) = AE 1955, 00223 = AE 1997, +00244 = AE 2003, +00671 = AE 2004, +00570 = AE 2006, +00054 = AE 2013, +00126 = AE 2013, 00540 Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss Slaby).
Public domain
Museo di Archeologia Ligure (Archeological Museum of Liguria)
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