Apollo 17 Cernan on moon

NASA / Harrison H. Schmitt
3904 x 4029 Pixel (2734527 Bytes)
In December of 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 75 hours on the Moon in the Taurus–Littrow valley. Near the beginning of their third and final excursion across the lunar surface, Schmitt took this picture of Cernan flanked by an American flag and their lunar rover's umbrella-shaped high-gain antenna. The prominent Sculptured Hills lie in the background while Schmitt's reflection can just be made out in Cernan's helmet.
Public domain
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Apollo 17

Apollo 17 war der elfte bemannte und letzte Flug des Apollo-Programms und der bisher letzte bemannte Flug zum Mond. Die Mission startete am 7. Dezember 1972 um 00:33 Uhr Eastern Standard Time vom Kennedy Space Center in Florida. An Bord waren der Kommandant Eugene Cernan, der Pilot des Apollo-Raumschiffs Ron Evans und der Pilot der Mondlandefähre Harrison „Jack“ Schmitt. .. weiterlesen