Episode of the September Days 1830 (on the Grand Place of Brussels)

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Men and women form a mound around a post in the streets of a city on the right of this painting. A tattered tricolour flag (of black, yellow, and red) is at the top, and beside this flag, a man stands with a paper in his hand. A man on his horse (on the left of the painting) is among the crowd at the base of the mound, and a dog campers just in front of his steed. The crowd bears swords, pikes, and guns affixed with bayonets. One of the women at the base of the mound cradles a baby, while two women and an old man grieve over a dead youth in their arms. The blue sky is overcast with grey smoke.
Public domain
Eigenes Werk Photo by Szilas at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels
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