
Currier & Ives, New York
7761 x 5661 Pixel (17399363 Bytes)
"Admiral Porter's Fleet Running the Rebel Blockade of the Mississippi at Vicksburg, April 16th 1863."

Ships depicted are (from the front to the rear, all USS except as noted)): Benton (Flagship); Lafayette with General Price alongside; Louisville; Mound City; Pittsburgh; Carondelet; transports Silver Wave, Forest Queen & Henry Clay; and Tuscumbia.

Text under the print's title reads: "At half past ten P.M. the boats left their moorings & steamed down the river, the Benton, Admiral Porter, taking the lead -- as they approached the point opposite the town, a terrible concentrated fire of the centre, upper and lower batteries, both water and bluff, was directed upon the channel, which here ran within one hundred yards of the shore. At the same moment innumerable floats of turpentine and other combustible materials were set ablaze. In the face of all this fire, the boats made their way with but little loss except the transport Henry Clay which was set on fire & sunk."
Public domain

Photo #: NH 76557-KN (Color) -- Complete Caption

Courtesy of the U.S. Naval Academy Museum, Beverley R. Robinson Collection.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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