Half-Breeds Running Buffalo
label QS:Len,"Half-Breeds Running Buffalo"

2014 x 1233 Pixel (321993 Bytes)
Métis buffalo hunt on the prairies of Dakota in June 1846. The man lying on the ground is Kane himself. Compare the clothing with that on Kane Prairie.jpg, and Kane reported in his travel account that he fell from the horse and got nearly run over by the buffalos, but was saved from that fate by one of the Métis who chased the animals around him and shielded him from the herd. Despite this incident, Kane managed to kill two bisons himself. The scene obviously is from the Métis buffalo hunt in June 1846 as they run the buffalos by horse on the open prairie; the later buffalo hunts Kane witnessed were either a Cree pound hunt (between Ft. Carlton and Ft. Edmonton on the north side of the North Saskatchewan River), or hunts with HBC people, but these occurred in winter 1847/48 at Ft. Edmonton.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Paul Kane died in 1871, therefore work is in the public domain.
Public domain
Not necessary, PD by age.
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