Los Alamos National Laboratory logo 2001-2021

475 x 218 Pixel (23433 Bytes)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) logo. The logo was made official in 2001 by the Director of LANL, John Browne. Previously there had been no single look or graphic element associated with the institution. The logo was created in an effort to brand the Laboratory to customers and stakeholders. The logo was designed by Jim Cruz, a graphic designer employed by LANL. Initially there was a competition between a team of LANL designers to determine a new logo design. All designs were critiqued and eliminated during a review process for several months. This logo design was actually eliminated halfway through the process. John Browne and his Senior Executive Team rejected all the designs in the final selection process and asked to see what had previously been submitted. The logo designed by Jim Cruz was presented and unanimously chosen as the winner. A campaign was established to ensure consistent use of the new logo. "One Laboratory, One Look" was cited as a "symbolic and significant step on the path toward creating a unified and customer-focused Laboratory."
Public domain
Stripped and converted from http://www.lanl.gov/news/currents/docs/currents_08_2008.pdf The Los Alamos National Laboratory article introducing the logo can be found at http://issuu.com/4cruz/docs/logoarticle?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222
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