1944-12-27 Yanks Clear Greenland of Nazis

Universal Newsreels
400 x 300 Pixel (43862071 Bytes)
(1) "Nazi weather and radio stations in Greenland are located and destroyed by the U. S. Coast Guard who dynamites its way through the Arctic ice fields to reach the enemy. Sleek German trawlers are destroyed or captured, and the Nazis are driven from their North Atlantic observation posts." (2) Yank Shells Hit Kehl In Rhineland - "Yanks in Strasbourg shell Kehl, the Nazi city on the opposite banks of the Rhine, with telling effect." (3) Nazi Terror In Warsaw - "World War II opens in Poland as the Panzer divisions strike Warsaw and burn large portions of it. Peace is signed in a railway coach and starving Poles eat every shred of meat from the carcases of horses. The Poles go underground. They publish 110 newspapers, commit continuous sabotage, daub the city with signs of defiance and hang Hitler in effigy. In 1944 they arise prematurely and are smitten down. Their ghetto is completely destroyed." pictures filmed by the Polish underground and smuggled to London, of 2-month revolt but forced to capitulate to Nazis; printing presses turn out lists of atrocities by Nazis, carry our efficient sabotage; "Poland will never die." (4) New French Envoy To U.S. - "Washington, DC: Ambassador Henri Bonnet takes over the French embassy on behalf of the de Gaulle provisional government." (5) Britain's Home Guard Stands Down - "Hyde Park, England: The Home Guard, 7,000 strong, pass by the Royal Family in their final review before 'standing down.'" scenes of marching in formation in Hyde Park, patrolled roads and took over defense during England's darkest hour; (6) Mat Mammas Maul For Millions - "Houston, TX: Mildred Burke, World's Champion Woman Wrestler, defends her title against Mae Weston convincingly. The rule are thrown out of the ring, and so is Mae, three times." scenes of championship women's wrestling match, to raise money for war bonds; (7) Canadian local story [no sound] - Canada local official speaks; 2 Canadian soldiers win medals and return home (complete newsreel)
Public domain
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