Dienstgrade der Polizei in Kanada

Die Dienstgrade der Polizei in Kanada unterscheiden sich nach den verschiedenen Polizeibehörden und hängen von unterschiedlichen Rechtsvorschriften auf Bundes-, Provinz- und Gemeindeebene ab.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

CommissionerDeputy CommissionerAssistant CommissionerChief SuperintendentSuperintendentInspector
CommissaireSous-commissaireCommissaire adjointSurintendant principalSurintendantInspecteur
RCMP Commissioner.png
RCMP Deputy Commissioner.png
RCMP Assistant Commissioner.png
RCMP Chief Superintendent.png
RCMP Superintendent.png
RCMP Inspector.png
PräsidentVizepräsidentDirektor der PolizeiLeitender PolizeidirektorPolizeioberratPolizeirat
Corps Sergeant MajorSergeant MajorStaff Sergeant MajorStaff SergeantSergeantCorporalConstable
Sergent-major du corpsSergent-majorSergent-major d'état majorSergent d'état-majorSergentCaporalGendarme
RCMP Corps Sergeant Major.png
RCMP Sergeant Major.png
RCMP Staff Sergeant Major.png
RCMP Staff Sergeant.png
RCMP Sergeant.png
RCMP Corporal.png
Erster PolizeihauptkommissarPolizeihauptkommissarPolizeioberkommissar


CommissionerDeputy CommissionerChief SuperintendentSuperintendentInspectorSergeant MajorStaff Sergeant Sergeant Constable
OPP Commissioner.png
OPP Deputy Commissioner.png
OPP Chief Superintendent.png
OPP Superintendent.png
OPP Inspector.png
OPP Sergeant Major.png
OPP Staff Sergeant.png
OPP Sergeant.png
Chief of PoliceDeputy Chief of PoliceStaff SuperintendentSuperintendentStaff Inspector InspectorStaff SergeantSergeantConstable
Toronto Police - Chief of Police.png
Toronto Police - Deputy Chief of Police.png
Toronto Police - Staff Superintendent.png
Toronto Police - Superintendent.png
Toronto Police - Staff Inspector.png
Toronto Police - Inspector.png
Toronto Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Toronto Police - Sergeant.png
Toronto Police - Constable.png
Chief of PoliceDeputy Chief of PoliceStaff SuperintendentSuperintendentInspectorStaff SergeantSergeantSenior ConstableConstable
Peel Police - Chief of Police.png
Peel Police - Deputy Chief.png
Peel Police - Staff Superintendent.png
Peel Police - Superintendent.png
Peel Police - Inspector.png
Peel Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Peel Police - Sergeant.png
Peel Police - Senior Police Constable.png
Peel Police - Police Constable.png
Chief of PoliceDeputy Chief of PoliceSuperintendentInspectorStaff SergeantSergeantConstable
RNC Chief.png
RNC Deputy Chief.png
RNC Superintendent.png
RNC Inspector.png
RNC Staff Sergeant.png
RNC Sergeant.png
RNC Constable.png
ChiefDeputy ChiefSuperintendentInspectorRegimental Sergeant MajorStaff SergeantSergeantSenior Constable Level 2Senior Constable Level 1Constable
Calgary Police - Deputy Chief.png
Calgary Police - Superintendent.png
Calgary Police - Inspector.png
Calgary Police - Regimental Sergeant Major.png
Calgary Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Calgary Police - Sergeant.png
Calgary Police - Senior Constable Level 2.png
Calgary Police - Senior Constable Level 1.png
Chief of Police Deputy ChiefSuperintendentInspectorCorps Sergeant MajorStaff SergeantSergeantSenior ConstableConstable
Edmonton Police - Chief of Police.png
Edmonton Police - Deputy Chief.png
Edmonton Police - Superintendent.png
Edmonton Police - Inspector.png
Edmonton Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Edmonton Police - Sergeant.png
Edmonton Police - Senior Constable I.png
Chief Constable Deputy Chief ConstableSuperintendentInspectorStaff SergeantSergeantConstable
Vancouver Police - Chief Constable.png
Vancouver Police - Deputy Chief Constable.png
Vancouver Police - Superintendent.png
Vancouver Police - Inspector.png
Vancouver Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Vancouver Police - Sergeant.png
Chief of Police Deputy Chief of PoliceSuperintendentInspectorStaff SergeantSergeantPatrol SergeantSenior ConstableConstable
Winnipeg Police - Chief.png
Winnipeg Police - Deputy Chief.png
Winnipeg Police - Superintendent.png
Winnipeg Police - Inspector.png
Winnipeg Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Winnipeg Police - Sergeant.png
Detective Sergeant.png
Winnipeg Police - Senior Constable.png
PolizeipräsidentVize polizeipräsidentLeitender PolizeidirektorPolizeidirektorPolizeioberratPolizeiratErster PolizeihauptkommissarPolizeihauptkommissarPolizeioberkommissarPolizeikommissarPolizeihauptmeisterPolizeiobermeisterPolizeimeister

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Edmonton Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Superintendent Insignia
Calgary Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Inspector Insignia
Calgary Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Sergeant Insignia
RCMP Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Staff Sergeant
Peel Police - Police Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Police Constable Insignia (Slip-on)
RCMP Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Superintendent
OPP Chief Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Chief Superintendent Insignia
Peel Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Inspector Insignia (Slip-on)
Peel Police - Senior Police Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Senior Police Constable Insignia (Slip-on)
Vancouver Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Inspector Insignia
Calgary Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Staff Sergeant Insignia
RCMP Deputy Commissioner.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Deputy Commissioner
Peel Police - Deputy Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Deputy Chief Insignia (Slip-on)
Edmonton Police - Deputy Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Deputy Chief Insignia
OPP Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Superintendent Insignia
RCMP Corps Sergeant Major.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Corps Sergeant Major
RCMP Corporal.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Corporal
RCMP Chief Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Chief Superintendent
OPP Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Inspector Insignia
Winnipeg Police - Senior Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Senior Constable Insignia
Winnipeg Police - Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Chief Insignia
RCMP Assistant Commissioner.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Assistant Commissioner
OPP Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Staff Sergeant Insignia
Winnipeg Police - Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Constable Insignia
Toronto Police - Chief of Police.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Chief of Police Insignia (Slip-on)
OPP Sergeant Major.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Sergeant Major Insignia
Vancouver Police - Deputy Chief Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Deputy Chief Constable Insignia
Calgary Police - Senior Constable Level 2.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Sr. Constable Level 2 Insignia
RCMP Commissioner.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Commissioner
Calgary Police - Regimental Sergeant Major.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Regimental Sergeant Major Insignia
Vancouver Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Sergeant Insignia
Peel Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Sergeant Insignia (Slip-on)
RNC Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Superintendent Epaulette
Winnipeg Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Superintendent Insignia
Detective Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Patrol/Detective Sergeant Insignia
Edmonton Police - Chief of Police.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Chief Insignia
Vancouver Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Staff Sergeant Insignia
OPP Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Sergeant Insignia
RNC Deputy Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Deputy Chief of Police Epaulette
Calgary Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Superintendent Insignia
Toronto Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Staff Sergeant Insignia (Slip-on)
RCMP Staff Sergeant Major.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Staff Sergeant Major
Edmonton Police - Senior Constable I.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Sr. Constable I Insignia
Peel Police - Staff Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Staff Superintendent Insignia (Slip-on)
Winnipeg Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Sergeant Insignia
Edmonton Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Inspector Insignia
Vancouver Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Superintendent Insignia
Calgary Police - Senior Constable Level 1.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Sr. Constable Level 1 Insignia
Toronto Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Superintendent Insignia (Slip-on)
Toronto Police - Deputy Chief of Police.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Deputy Chief of Police Insignia (Slip-on)
Toronto Police - Staff Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Staff Superintendent Insignia (Slip-on)
RCMP Sergeant Major.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Sergeant Major
Edmonton Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Staff Sergeant Insignia
Vancouver Police - Chief Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
VPD Chief Constable Insignia
Toronto Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Sergeant Insignia (Slip-on)
Peel Police - Chief of Police.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Chief of Police Insignia (Slip-on)
Winnipeg Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Inspector Insignia
OPP Deputy Commissioner.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Deputy Commissioner Insignia
Winnipeg Police - Deputy Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Deputy Chief Insignia
RCMP Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Inspector
RCMP Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
RCMP/GRC Rank Epaulet - Sergeant
Calgary Police - Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Chief Insignia
Calgary Police - Deputy Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
CPS Deputy Chief Insignia
OPP Commissioner.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
OPP Commissioner Insignia
Peel Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Staff Sergeant Insignia (Slip-on)
RNC Chief.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Chief of Police Epaulette
Autor/Urheber: Kudo-kun, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Create Me! Bitte Bild anlegen und hochladen.
RNC Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Inspector Epaulette
Edmonton Police - Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
EPS Sergeant Insignia
Toronto Police - Staff Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Staff Inspector Insignia (Slip-on)
Winnipeg Police - Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
WPS Staff Sergeant Insignia
RNC Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Sergeant Epaulette
Peel Police - Superintendent.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
PRP Superintendent Insignia (Slip-on)
Toronto Police - Inspector.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Inspector Insignia (Slip-on)
RNC Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Constable Epaulette
RNC Staff Sergeant.png
Autor/Urheber: P99, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Staff Sergeant Epaulette
Toronto Police - Constable.png
Autor/Urheber: Kur620, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
TPS Constable Insignia (Slip-on)